SWIFT - The bank's global network

ACCESS service from BT Infonet SWIFT for financial institutions.
The access service is dedicated to SWIFT network service that provides a fully managed IP VPN connection highly reliable and secure SWIFT applications.
BT is one of the few global suppliers selected by SWIFT to provide access to financial applications. In 2002 SWIFT issued a tender to select providers of global networks for the purpose of being able to access their applications to all economically-financial institutions in the world.
During this process, BT Infonet was one of the providers selected by SWIFT.
BT offers two connectivity options:
▪ SWIFT Alliance Connect Silver: Alliance Connect Silver offers connectivity to SWIFTNet through a point to point line as the primary channel and an Internet connection as back-up channel. The primary connection point to point line is provided and managed by BT.
▪ SWIFT Alliance Connect Gold: Alliance Connect Gold offers connectivity to SWIFTNet through 2 lines point to point in the same capacity. Both lines are provided and managed by BT or possibly by BT and other Network Partner.
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